Thursday, October 18, 2018

Podcast: 5- Creation and the Fall of Man

God made Adam and Eve. They were the first man and woman. God also made all the things on earth for them, for their children, and for all of us to enjoy. Adam and Eve had to make a tough choice. They had to choose who would be first in their lives. Would they choose to put God first in their lives or would they think that they were the most important?  

This "All About My Catholic Faith" podcast lesson is about The Creation and the Fall of Man. We will learn about Adam and Eve and how the devil tempted Eve, which then led Adam into sin. Did they choose to eat from the Tree of Life or the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. What difference did it make to them and to us.  

It is mainly through the inspired pages of Sacred Scripture and the divinely guided actions of the Sacred Liturgy that we come to know the Person of Christ. The better we know and understand the Person of Christ, the more we will be able to understand the meaning of what He tells us. The Catechism helps us to understand the meaning of what Christ has taught, but we will understand the Catechism only to the extent that we aim at understanding Christ Himself.

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